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Create quizzes automatically
because you have more
important things to do

Try for free. No credit card required.

Take any text (website, ebook, etc) and have Quizbot
automatically create a quiz in Google Forms that automatically scores with one click.
Types of questions include comprehension, vocabulary, cloze, and maze.
text plus quizbot equals forms
Quizbot helps you manage (save, move, delete, etc) your Google Forms
on your Google Drive.
text plus quizbot equals forms

Types of Questions

Comprehension, Vocabulary, Cloze, Maze
(automatically grades)

University, School(s), or School District

  • Add the ability to manage your entire organization.
  • Make your life easy with optional domain & subdomain licensing.
  • Includes access to our deployment and support specialists.

Plans vary so get in touch!

Contact us